Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Day 1

So its been a rough adventure here in the land of Rift.  Its a strange new world, things just dont seem like they should.  The world was torn apart, ripped to pieces by the evil Regulous.  I fought through enemies, lots of enemies, I grew stronger and faster, fighting on and on.  Our leader had a plan to tear open a rift in time to send us backwards to stop this all happening, but in order for this to happen, we needed to unleash yet more evil into this world. 

It was a chance we were willing to take. 

We started the machine, not sure what would be coming at us.  A wave of ghouls came through the rift, blood curdling screams leaving their mouths.  It was a bloody battle, guts and gore laying everywhere.  I started to rest when a loud roar came from the rift.  Regulous himself was battling his way through to our time.  I couldnt take him on, not now, i needed more power, more allies.  I looked at the technician, he gave me a nod and I charged straight at the rift, not knowing if our plan would work or not.


  1. lol, i like it. haven't played rift in forever. followed!

  2. looks like a pretty cool game, i love rpgs, currently working on Dragon Age 1 and 2 and that's gonna be atleast another 200 hours cause i'm a completionist )
